00:14:38 Kate Farrington-Planned Parenthood: Thank you, Monica! Happy it will be recorded as I have a conflicting meeting and will have to hop off early. 00:14:53 Monica Brown (She/Her/Hers) Greater Rochester Health Foundati: Yes 00:44:29 Nicole Francoeur (she/her): How is HCD different or aligned with the way that you currently do your work? 00:52:28 Nicole Francoeur (she/her): What is a one things standing out from your conversation? 00:52:52 Caralie Fennessey (RIT Student): We all have a good idea of this process, but we could all be doing more with it 00:52:52 Kate Farrington-Planned Parenthood: Power with instead of power over 00:52:56 Vanessa Ryland-Buntley: Listening 00:52:58 Hannah Stark (She/Her): Relationship focused 00:53:05 luciennenicholson: We all seem to know what Human centered is 00:53:05 Monica Brown (She/Her/Hers) Greater Rochester Health Foundati: Love the Problem! It helps deal with the complexity. 00:53:06 Larry Marx: Happening already, perhaps not as sequential 00:53:07 Erin Kehaley-Corr: human emotions cannot be standardized 00:53:10 Lonnie Reaves: We all have to consider from what job role lenses we are approaching this 00:53:10 Kim Smith: listening to strengthen relationships 00:53:14 Maureen Boorum (she/her/): Always listening to the community 00:53:15 Jillian Beaman - Nativity Preparatory Academy of Rochester (NY): We do more of this informally than we realize! 00:53:27 Phyllis Jackson: Always room to improve 00:53:35 Susan Coyle (she/her): continuing to listen and assess, not becoming complacent 00:53:37 luciennenicholson: Culture. 00:53:38 emily litonjua: Someone noted that instead of looking for grants that fit our current model rather than figuring out what is needed. 00:53:39 Carolyn: I think harder for Finance to adopt. 00:53:45 Andy Aligne: We have lots of problems needing better solutions. 00:53:49 FCSFL - Barbara Pierce-Morrow: The significant value in shift to qualitative from qualitative - lots of great engagement happening 00:53:50 Kristen Cooper: Large variety in organizations, which influences their ability and willingness to adopt this approach 00:53:52 Carrie Michel-Wynne: We cant assume we have all of the answers to all problems. Input from others are critical. we need to carefully listen 00:54:03 Ebts202021ssie Calhoun McDavid: The importance of flexibility. 00:57:36 Monica Brown (She/Her/Hers) Greater Rochester Health Foundati: This like the board at the Village Gate Square. I love it. There are always really insightful comments. 01:03:14 Kate Farrington-Planned Parenthood: Sadly, I have to leave! Luckily, my other meeting is discussing community feedback, assessment and human centered design as well. Thank you kindly! Great presentation. 01:03:40 Nicole Francoeur (she/her): Thinking about what you have learned today, how might you apply it to the grant process that you are currently in? 01:05:37 Larry Marx: Co-designing a local parent table for advocacy for policy changes 01:05:37 emily litonjua: Amend current survey process to include open ended question about child health 01:05:37 Jillian Beaman - Nativity Preparatory Academy of Rochester (NY): Talk to more graduates of our school 01:05:37 Megan Smith: include staff of all levels in decision making process 01:05:37 Susan Coyle (she/her): gather info from community partners to include in the project 01:05:38 Phyllis Jackson: engage young peoole 01:05:38 Chris Hilderbrant: Demonstrate how testing and feedback have helped the idea evolve. 01:05:38 Jessica DeFazio - Family Counseling Service of the Finger Lakes: More client voice 01:05:41 Victoria Mangino: using community resources where they already are to gain access to population 01:05:41 Brady Fergusson (he/him): Use human-centered design when planning public engagement 01:05:42 Destiny Draggett: Gather community ideas 01:05:43 Maureen Boorum (she/her/): Seek out community members and partners for feedback 01:05:44 Caralie Fennessey (RIT Student): Broaden our scope of project to include community assessment ongoing 01:05:45 Shannon Swiatek: Don't ask questions that are so prescribed - don't box people in 01:05:45 FCSFL-Brenda Capozzi: Get postcards in as many hands as possible 01:05:47 Carrie Michel-Wynne: Establish advisory councils to solicit itdeas. 01:05:47 Holly Brookstein: get postcards from our participants 01:05:49 Kate French: postcards for patients to fill out and submit 01:05:50 luciennenicholson: Do a dry run! 01:05:52 Kristen Cooper: Our organization can be more racially just by… 01:05:58 Jonathan Meagher-Zayas (He/Him): Review feedback we've established but haven't used 01:05:59 Katie Ryan-Rochester Hearing and Speech Center: Survey our current clients and daycare students who are not are clients what their needs are. 01:06:01 Julie Aldrich: Affinity Groups 01:09:04 Carolyn: I need to leave. Thank you. Great ideas! 01:13:15 Nicole Francoeur (she/her): https://www.menti.com/d42y4ynu1t 01:14:02 Phyllis Jackson: collaboration 01:14:12 Luke Trader: The uniquely human element of the entire conversation 01:14:23 Holly Brookstein: all of the steps involve listening to the people we are trying to serve 01:14:27 Jen Adams: feedback is continual 01:14:39 Kim Smith: This has been very informative, and has emphasized how there's always room for improvement 01:15:10 luciennenicholson: Change is part of the solution. Be receptive and accepting of new thinking. 01:16:50 emily litonjua: The break out 01:17:32 luciennenicholson: The breakout room. Teachable. 01:17:52 Phyllis Jackson: breakout and enthusiasm of presenters 01:19:00 emily litonjua: Understanding divergence and convergence 01:19:03 luciennenicholson: Time. 01:21:09 luciennenicholson: Highlight human design efforts. 01:23:51 Monica Brown (She/Her/Hers) Greater Rochester Health Foundati: FYI - The link to the workshop will be live on the GRHF website on next Tuesday, May 25th. Thank you 01:24:35 Megan Smith: Can you share more about the equity of feedback (ie: when an agency has primarily white staff and is seeking staff feedback around racial equity?) 01:24:51 Helen Dumas: How can we highlight that our project is co- designed when applying for this grant through GRHF? surveys, graphs, just written in our narrative? 01:25:35 Larry Marx: TO that equity question, there's progressive stack: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Progressive_stack 01:25:41 Susan Coyle (she/her): Thank you, this has been very helpful. 01:25:57 Phyllis Jackson: great training. thank you. 01:26:23 Brady Fergusson (he/him): Thank you everyone! 01:27:20 Helen Dumas: Thank you all for a great workshop! 01:27:30 Luke Trader: Thank you all! Very helpful! 01:27:45 Brock Hart (he, him, his): Thank you everyone!! It’s been great spending the morning with you. 01:27:58 FCSFL - Barbara Pierce-Morrow: Thank you! 01:28:09 Ebts202021ssie Calhoun McDavid: Excellent presentation!!! Thank you. 01:28:30 Jillian Beaman - Nativity Preparatory Academy of Rochester (NY): Thank you! This was a great presentation! 01:28:36 luciennenicholson: Thank you everyone. Most helpful. Lots to think about! 01:28:39 Victoria Mangino: Thank you for the training! Great presentation. 01:28:58 Vanessa Ryland-Buntley: Thank you